Tag: spy

  • Historic Spy Gadgets

    In this photo gallery, Wired takes a look at some of the most interesting gadgets showcased in the CIA’s new Flickr stream. Tire spikes, semi-submersibles, and the tiny Dragonfly UAV shown are among the list of tools and gadgets featured. Whenever James Bond needed a nifty device to snap a surreptitious surveillance picture or escape…

  • Another Uncrackable Code [Story Time]

    Another tale of an uncrackable code. The former Air Force sergeant wore a backpack on his bearish 6′5″ frame; a sawed-off shovel handle stuck out of the top as he made his way along soft creek beds, avoiding hiking trails. Inside the pack was a night-vision monocle and a pile of classified material he had…

  • An Informant’s Story [Secrets]

    The New York Times had this article on North Korean spies. The informers themselves remain of limited use to American and South Korean spymasters, in part because the North has no broad cellphone network, making it easier for the authorities to eavesdrop on calls and harder for handlers to direct operatives in real time. As…

  • How to Survive a Jump from A Moving Car

    The Art of Manliness recently wrote about how to jump from a moving car. After rolling down the window to reduce wind pressure and opening the door, jump away from the car, then tuck and roll: Tuck. Before you hit the ground, tuck your body into a ball. Bring your chin to your chest and…

  • Making an Agent [Become One]

    Ever wanted to join the secret service? While I won’t discourage you, I won’t pretend it is not hard work. In a past article in the Washington Post, we discover the journey of an agent in training. “Use the force necessary. You can hit them with your car, stab them with a big pin,” Mixon…

  • How to Spot a Two-Way Mirror [Spot the Enemy]

    Ever walked in to a room to wonder if behind that large mirror is a video camera, or worse, a team of people watching your every move? Want to find out how to check the mirror? Read on. First off, don’t act suspicious. You don’t want to let on that you think it is a…