Tag: lifehacker

  • Dispose of Documents with Water and a Ziploc Bag

    Need to destroy a document in a pinch? With just water and a plastic bag, a document can quickly and easily be reduced to a wet, droopy, unreadable pile of muck. While it’s messy and a bit impractical, it works, and is great if you find yourself in a situation where you don’t have access…

  • Break Into a Locked Suitcase With a Pen

    Here’s a surprisingly simple trick for opening a locked suitcase from Lifehacker: simply plunge a ballpoint pen into the zipper, which separates the teeth and allows you to open the suitcase. The pull can than be run around the zipper once again, resealing the suitcase and leaving no evidence of tampering. Check out the video…

  • Unlock an Airplane Bathroom Door from the Outside and More Evil Tricks…

    As part of their “Evil Week” series of posts, Lifehacker shares this surprisingly simple trick to unlocking one type of airplane lavatory door. Simply lift the little “Lavatory” sign above the lock, then slide the now exposed lock open. Hit the links for pictures. Step 1: Approach locked lavatory Step 2: Lift “LAVATORY” sign Step…

  • How to Move Quickly Through Crowds

    Navigating through a large crowd is not as easy as it would seem. Wired’s how-to wiki presents several tactics for moving fluidly through crowds. Apparently the main trick is to look down, watching the feet of the people around you. To get on autopilot, pedestrian-style, look down at the feet of the people around you.…

  • Protecting Travel Cash with the Multi-Stash Method

    Wise Bread’s article on travel and money includes a nice trick for protecting your cash when travelling. It boils down to stashing your money in several places,  so if your wallet is lost or stolen, you still have a small emergency fund. Carrying all your cash in one place (usually a wallet) puts you at…

  • Recognize the Real Signs of Drowning and Save a Life

    Despite how it’s often depicted in movies and on TV, drowning is not the violent struggle that most of us imagine. In fact, it’s really almost the opposite. Hit the link and read the full guide for tips on how to recognize the Instinctive Drowning Response. We’ve all been conditioned to believe that a drowning person…

  • Cars in Uncommon Colors Protect Against Theft

    Interesting fact: according to a study done in the Netherlands,  cars with uncommon paint colors (lime green, bright orange) are far less likely to be stolen than those in more popular colors (gray, black). It’s a good thing to keep it in mind the next time you’re in the market for a new vehicle. Researchers…

  • Easily Unlock a Sliding Chain Lock [Holy Crap: Locks]

    Holy crap. After reading this Lifehacker article, I realized how easy it would be to break into a hotel room solely guarded by one of those sliding locks. Check out the video below for a shock. Blogger and lock-picker extraordinaire Barry Wels demonstrates how to unlock a sliding chain lock with a rubber band in…

  • Be Smarter: Believe [Brain Screwers]

    According to a Lifehacker article, believing you can be smarter makes you smarter. This is a helpful pointer for screwing with your brain and others. Despite a lot of evidence to the contrary, many people believe that intelligence is fixed, and, moreover, that some racial and social groups are inherently smarter than others. Merely evoking…

  • Replace Your Lost Cellphone Charger for Free [Spotted]

    Lifehacker had an article on how to Replace Your Lost Cellphone Charger for Free. Next time you lose your phone charger, don’t buy another one. Go to a hotel and say you think you lost it there. It’s the #1 most left behind item at hotels, so most places have a big bin filled with…