Author: loneiguana

  • chrisfishtaco chrisfishtacospicler tiktok song Aaron Smith – Dancin (KRONO Remix)

  • 28 Tips and Tricks of Three Days of the Condor [How To Survive 3 Days]

    Three Days of the Condor is a outstanding spy film, filled with tricks galore. The best part? The star, Joe Turner (played by Robert Redford) is not spy or field agent, but simply a reader of everything to do with spying. In fact, most of the tricks he uses come from comics or other books.…

  • Behind a Gang of Diamond Thieves [Robbers]

    I love these articles. The lastest describes a well-trained gang of diamond thieves and their escapades. Each member of the gang did his or her job perfectly. The attractive young woman seduced the son of the jewelry store owner in Rome to find out where the safe was in the owner’s house. She also discovered…

  • Another Uncrackable Code [Story Time]

    Another tale of an uncrackable code. The former Air Force sergeant wore a backpack on his bearish 6′5″ frame; a sawed-off shovel handle stuck out of the top as he made his way along soft creek beds, avoiding hiking trails. Inside the pack was a night-vision monocle and a pile of classified material he had…

  • A Code That’s Uncrackable [Code]

    A code that is uncrackable. Unsolvable. Intriguing… Almost 20 years after its dedication, the text has yet to be fully deciphered. A bleary-eyed global community of self-styled cryptanalysts—along with some of the agency’s own staffers—has seen three of its four sections solved, revealing evocative prose that only makes the puzzle more confusing. Still uncracked are the…

  • Fall Through Ice and Survive [Survival]

    You just fell through thin ice. Struggling to get out, you keep a cool (no pun intended) head and remember the following article: Roll away from the hole. Don’t stand up right away. The ice around the hole may be weak, so you want to distribute your weight over as much area as possible. Roll…

  • An Intelligent Accent That Masks Origins [Disguise]

    Ever wanted to speak and sound intelligent, but make sure that no one knew where you were from? This might occur in a situation when you are working as an agent. The following can be very helpful for masking your origins and creating a intelligent facade. [Y]ou get the accent in one of three ways:…

  • How to Disguise Your Walk [Change Your Gait]

    In Little Brother, a novel set in the future by Cory Doctorow, there are cameras that detect a person’s gait so that computer can track the person’s whereabouts. But in the present, all we have are regular video cameras and security teams. So how could changing your walk possible help you? Actually it can. As humans,…

  • Secure Your Computer

    Our sister site, Squealing Rat, wrote a couple of articles on computer security. Enjoy. Two Major Security Flaws, A Rant and The Fixes How To Manage Your Files Behind a Firewall for Free Subscribe:     RSS | Twitter | Email

  • The Key Master [Locksmith]

    Another mastermind, this time, for the good. He’s a professional lock breaker, a man obsessively—perhaps compulsively—dedicated to cracking physical security systems. He doesn’t play games, he rarely sees movies, he doesn’t attend to plants or pets or, currently, a girlfriend. Tobias hacks locks. Then he teaches the public how to hack them, too. The Ultimate…