This post was written by Intrepid Eddie
A short time ago, the Lone Iguana contacted me and asked if I was willing to write a guest article on Lone Iguana about what I have done in preparation for possible survival situations. This was sparked by a Lifehacker article and the ensuing comments it generated. Let me tell you up front that I have no special expertise that makes me any more qualified to write this article than anyone else (though, I have been through Air Force SERE training).
Thus, we have a disclaimer: Everything I write here is based on my experiences and opinions. Preparing for a survival situation will be different for everyone; if you ask ten people what they do to prepare, you will get ten different answers. And they will all be valid. So, to keep from continuously writing out in my opinion, just assume that phrase applies to everything I write here.
The most important thing for survival in any situation is knowledge. You can have a truck load of tools and supplies, but if you don’t know some survival basics you won’t last long (unless you’re really freaking lucky). Fortunately, there is a lot you can do: take courses, read, watch shows like Man vs Wild, Survivorman, and Burn Notice. Then go out and practice. Trekking, camping, hunting, and fishing are perfect opportunities.
Now we come to the meat of the article, the survival kit. This is typically what everyone wants to know about when looking up survival information. And that’s fine – as long you keep in mind the previous paragraph.
There are basically two types of survival kits: the tiny take-anywhere kits and the big the-world-is-going-to-hell kits. Both types of kits serve a purpose and are worth the time to consider. Again, everyone will have different things they consider important and different thoughts on this subject. This is what I do, and it isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Also note that these kits are different from other, more specific kits I have, like the winter kits I keep in my cars.
I personally don’t keep micro survival kits. The only thing I make sure I have on me at all times is a good pocket knife with serrations. On a daily basis, that’s all the survival reassurance I need. (And I feel a bit naked when I have to pack it away for air travel.) However, I have seen some really clever micro survival kits, usually packed into something like an Altoids tin or old ammo pouch, and these can be great for backpacking trips when you have to pack light. Here are a few examples: Altoids Survival kit, another Altoids Survival kit, and Bennett’s Expedient Survival Tin.
And now, the big quick-grab survival kit. This is a list of all the items I have ready to go should the need arise. Paranoid? No, not really. It’s not about getting nuked by Cuba, or Red Dawn actually happening, or something like the Y2K bug coming to pass. There are natural disasters. Tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes this stuff does happen. How many Katrina survivors or, more recently, Haiti earthquake survivors would have been in much better shape if they had a survival kit at the ready?
My survival kit is packed in a big plastic tub and sits next to my camping tubs. That way, I can grab them all and have the added benefit of all the camping supplies. Here, I’l break down the contents of my survival kit into categories and give a brief explanation of each item.
· SAS Survival Handbook I consider this the short-term/emergency survival bible. It covers the basics of what you need to survive in extreme situations.
· Foxfire Book If the SAS Survival Handbook is the short-term survival bible, then the Foxfire Book is the long-term survival bible. This covers a multitude of topics on plain living. Note that there are several versions and volumes of this book.
· A book on edible plants for your region. This will save you a lot of time (and possibly your life). I also have one on edible and poisonous fungi.
· A book on first aid; the SAS Survival Handbook touches on the topic, but you’re better off having a book fully dedicated to the subject.
· Topographic maps for your region. Not only good to know where you are and where you’re going, but for planning hunting and fishing excursions.
· Knife – at least one, sharp, full-tang knife with a 6-inch blade (at least). This is probably the single most important tool to have, so go for quality. Be warned that knives of this length are illegal to carry in public in many states.
· Whetstone – and know how to properly use it.
· Multi-tool – like a Leatherman or a Swiss Army knife.
· Compass – not a critical necessity, but makes navigation a lot easier.
· Basic tools – I have a hammer, a saw, and a pry bar.
· Shovel – to save space, I have a folding camp shovel.
· Hatchet or axe – a long-handled axe is probably better, but I have a hatchet to save space.
· Lockpicks – yes, lockpicks. Think about it. And know how to use them, otherwise they’re worthless. [Disclaimer]
· Fire starter – I have a couple keychain-sized flint and magnesium blocks. Great for starting fires and they last a long time.
· Fishing gear — for when you need more than twigs and berries.
· Small LED flashlights — the keychain variety. They provide reliable emergency lighting and have excellent battery life.
· Amateur radio equipment — If you’re a licensed amateur radio operator, this is essential. The specific equipment choices warrant their own article from a more qualified expert.
· Cooking pot — A large cast-iron Dutch oven is the most versatile option. It’s suitable for nearly any cooking task.
· Basic cooking/eating utensils — Keep it simple.
· Food — MREs are ideal for survival kits, offering long shelf life and good nutrition. I supplement these with canned food for variety.
· Water — I keep several cases of bottled water near my camping supplies, plus water purification tablets — a cost-effective alternative to pricier filtration systems.
· Watch — Choose one without batteries (I use an old manual-wind Timex). Analog faces are preferable to digital displays.
· Spool of parachute cord — also known as 550 cord. An incredibly versatile tool.
· Box of long-burning candles — a valuable backup light source.
· Water-proof matches — complement your fire starter for quick, reliable fire-starting when needed.
· Tent — I pack two compact, two-person tents.
· First aid kit — Mine is comprehensive, equipped for minor surgical procedures.
· Plastic tarp — Optional but valuable, with multiple uses and minimal bulk.
· Space blanket — I carry one but prefer wool blankets for reliability.
· Wool blanket — I pack several. Wool retains its insulating properties even when wet.
· Games — Essential for maintaining morale. I carry a deck of cards and a travel set with chess, checkers, and backgammon.
· Notebook, pens, pencils — Perfect for journaling, tracking hunting/fishing spots, identifying edible plants, and monitoring medical issues. In a pinch, paper serves as fire kindling — or in dire circumstances, toilet paper.
Guns are controversial but undeniably valuable in survival situations. Rather than debate gun politics, I’ll share my practical thoughts: choose a hunting rifle or shotgun over a pistol. I prefer a hunting rifle — it’s better for procuring food and equally effective for self-defense. Whatever firearm you choose, proper handling, maintenance, and cleaning skills are essential. Take a hunter safety course. Finally, if you don’t know how to properly handle, use, and clean a gun, then you don’t have any business owning one — it’s more liability than asset, and you risk serious injury.
That’s my survival prep approach in a nutshell. Remember these fundamental principles: survival is mostly mental. Stay calm. Maintain a positive attitude. Build a community — groups accomplish more than individuals. And practice regularly (in other words, get outdoors and enjoy yourself).
Editor’s note: Many thanks, Eddie! Have feedback? Let us know what you’re thinking in the comments!