Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • How to Spot a Two-Way Mirror [Spot the Enemy]

    Ever walked in to a room to wonder if behind that large mirror is a video camera, or worse, a team of people watching your every move? Want to find out how to check the mirror? Read on. First off, don’t act suspicious. You don’t want to let on that you think it is a…

  • Top 10 Winter Survival Tools and Tactics [Survival]

    Lifehacker recently had this article about winter survival. I found this part interesting: Forget what you’ve heard about cold-weather exercise—it’s perfectly fine, if you take the right precautions. About.com offers up a few tips for keeping safe and warm on the roads, and Runner’s World offers a webapp designed to help you decide what you…

  • Legal

    Articles in Lone Iguana may feature illegal or unconstitutional actions. Lone Iguana does NOT endorse committing any illegal or unconstitutional actions. Our main purpose is to educate the reader for educational purposes and protection against illegal actions only.

  • How to Get Someone to Order A Dish [Screw With People’s Minds]

    At one point in life, you realize that people are not doing what you want them to do. Let’s take, for example, a cook, who slaves over a hot stove for hours, creating dishes that would astound most. But every day, customers order the cheapest meal, perhaps the pasta. This is problem might be solved…

  • Read This: Predictably Irrational [Screw With People’s Minds]

    Have you ever wanted to know how to sell more of something? Perhaps push a particular product? Well, look no further. Dan Ariely’s book, Predictably Irrational gives you an idea of why people do things. While I am sure the intention of the book was not to exploit people, you can use this knowledge to…

  • Type This: whenshtf.com [Web Time]

    I have talked previously about wtshtf, or when the sh*t hits the fan. Wtshtf can be described as when all hell brakes loose, when the sky falls or when, in milder terms- The END of the world as we know it. Now, while this seems pretty much like this, wtshtf is nothing to jeer at.…

  • Read This: Emergency [Story Time]

    I have written about Emergency for the upcoming blog Cultureist and thought I would share my review with you here: Ever seen those Jason Bourne films? You know, where Matt Damon is a trained assassin who travels the country with fake identities and amazing talents? Oh, I love those movies. And every time I watch…

  • Wood Ash and Pee = Soil Fertilizer [Sustainable Food]

    Inspired by something I heard in Collapse, I did some research and found this article on the use of ash and urine to revive your soil. Results of the first study evaluating the use of human urine mixed with wood ash as a fertilizer for food crops has found that the combination can be substituted…

  • Behind the Scenes Peek at the Secret Service [Photo Essay]

    In a rare instance of pulling back the curtain, the Secret Service granted Life permission to shoot some photos of them in action. In one shot, the caption shows how they protect the POTUS (President of the United States) when working a rope line. When it comes to security at this level, one way to…

  • Watch This: Collapse [Movie Time]

    Collapse is a new movie about the collapse of the economy and the breaking down in structure in the world today. In a interesting, noir-ish style, the film communicates the issues with the current crises and what you can do. Learn more information about the movie here, find showings near you here, or watch the…

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